FINANCIAL JOY PARTNERS – we welcome and thank you…
Individuals and companies thank you for joining UP and being part of our legacy UPlifting program that scales joy – en masse!
Our financial partners sponsor monthly joy sessions for as little as R3500, or make once off annual contributions. And more and more individuals make The UP one of their monthly EFT’s (and little by little- a little truly becomes a lot)!
BEST IS we are a PBO – so financial contributions to UP – mean TAX CERTIFICATES – deducted off what you owe SARS.
Did you know – some partners also book UP to share joy at their next wellness day, party or team build – knowing that all “joy session” bookings also feed The UP’s Joy Scale UP program too – see our UPlifting Progammes for more info – or easily book a session here!
Together, we thank you – YOU THE FINANCIAL PARTNERS – with a heart for the people of South Africa. We so UPpreciate you for JOINING UP as a financial partner today.
We reached 50K people in our first 20 years, imagine what we can do – as we count on YOU…